Stop With The Dick Pics & Sexual DM’s!

As of late, I have been noticing that a lot of camgirls and porn stars are increasingly disturbed or being insulted by two main issues on social media, most particularly on twitter where a lot of creepy pervs would do anything to get some attention. The first issue that comes to mind are dick pics which many camgirls and porn stars find them completely gross and disgusting especially when they all come from either obsessed fans or creepy pervs.

If anyone tweet a dick pic to a camgirl or porn star will immediately be block by that individual especially one who might have a boyfriend or married with kids for she will take the pic as inappropriate to the general public on twitter and a sign of disrespect. The second issue that comes to mind are the sexual DM’s (sexual direct messages) which many camgirls and porn stars find them as a sign of harassment from either obsessed fans or creepy pervs.

It is natural for camgirls and porn stars to look sexy to gain attention from followers especially when they are promoting themselves on twitter or other social media sites to gain popularity from their fans. But if twitter follower become too obsessed or is just creepy perv who want to send sexual direct messages to a camgirl or porn star for the fun of it simply just to strike up a conversation with that individual. If anyone send a sexual direct message to a camgirl or porn star will immediately be unfollow/block by that individual especially one who might have a boyfriend or married with kids for she will take the message as inappropriate and a sign of disrespect.


Here are a few camgirls and porn stars from a large list of those who dislike dick pics and sexual DM’s, PLEASE STOP HARASSING THESE LADIES!!!

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